More Effective Solutions to Overcoming Combat Trauma:  A Primer on How to Use The Warriors Guide to Insanity… A White Paper

We just published this White Paper for four reasons:

1. As a Supplement to The Warriors Guide to Insanity which is being used in selected VA Health Care Centers around the country;

The Warrior’s Guide, which teaches us the causes and effects of combat trauma, then offers solutions to dealing with the experiences of war in ways that make us stronger and more productive citizens.  Its been widely accepted and endorsed by various stakeholders in the challenge to overcome the effects of Combat Trauma, PTSD, Combat Veteran suicide and homicide in the active military, Guard and Reserves:

2. As a Primer to Use The Warriors Guide as a Teaching and Counseling Tool;

This White Paper has been developed to assist those who are just now getting up to speed on this critical issue today.  It provides:

  • An explanation of the Causes of Combat Trauma and provides solutions;
  • A clear analysis of the symptoms of war related trauma;
  • A clear understanding of the obstacles preventing a successful treatment program;
  • Proposed solutions to reaching our Troops and reshaping their lives;
  • A warning for inaction; the unintended consequencesand alternatives;
  • Background information on the cause and effect of Combat Trauma and suggested solutions;
  • A Best Practice Approach for Counselors to consider in using The Warriors Guide in their counseling activities;

3. As a Guide to Influence the Need for Change in how we train and support our Combat Warriors;

If we are to address the needs of this new generation of Warriors, we must not only understand the causes and effects of Combat Trauma, and the special needs of our Young Troops, but we must also change our approach in dealing with the realities of training and deploying our Troops and fighting war.  We offer suggestions to change how we handle our Combat Warriors and their emotional needs over time so that we can better shape their destiny and the effectiveness of our country’s fighting forces.

4. As a Foundation for the Solutions to Follow:

We’re working on the following Solution Papers which will be released in the near future:

  • A Combat Warriors Decompression Program
  • Saving the Military Family


If you’d like a printable copyContact Sgt Brandi ( sgtabrandiusmc@gmail.com)

This entry was posted in a new solution, Adapt and Overcome, Advisor, Combat Stress, Combat trauma, combat veteran, Emotional Trauma, Health Care Center, I/A Veterans, Innovate Adapt and Overcome, Mentoring, more effective solutions, Overcoming Combat Trauma, Preventing Combat Suicide, PTSD, Retired Combat Veteran, treating combat trauma, Veteran, Veterans issues, Vets, Warriors Guide to Insanity, White Paper and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.