When You Need Help Right Now…

Adapting to civilian life is hard as hell, and you’ve gotta get some tools to set new mission objectives and deal with the demons in your head. This call center is a damn good start.

Call 877-WAR-VETS (877-927-8387)

This center is called The Combat Call Center, and is an around the clock confidential call center where you Warriors and family members can talk about your experiences, feelings and any other issues you’re facing from the impact of deployment. Let’s face it, living in civilian society ain’t easy once you’ve been down range.

This Combat Call Center will give you a chance to talk to another Warrior, who knows how you feel and sure as hell won’t judge you. Remember that everything you’re feelin’ and everything you’re thinkin’ is NORMAL for what you’ve experienced.

Your fellow Warriors are waiting for “your” call!




Don’t hesitate to call, they know how to help you!

  • National Suicide Hot Line
    • 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2443
    • 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255

  • www.SuicideHotlines.com for Hot Lines in your State.


Vets 4 Warriors

We are a confidential peer support service and do not discuss your calls with the military, the VA, or anyone else and, if you choose, you may remain anonymous.



Marine Corps DSTRESS Line

The DSTRESS Line was developed by the Corps to provide professional, anonymous counseling for Marines, attached Sailors, and families when it’s needed most.


The Military Order of The Purple Heart (MOPH)

This is a valuable resource

This is a great resource of dedicated veterans ready, willing and able to help you.  They have a national web site… www.purpleheart.org .  The purpose of  website is to provide useful information to veterans and those who  are dedicated to helping them.

Mentoring is available

The great thing about this valuable organization is that they are in the process of setting up a mentoring program specifically tailored to the returning veteran.  If you’d like to learn more their program and who to contact in your area here’s a point of contact:

New Mexico Military Order of the Purple Heart Mentoring Program

Pete Comstock

Cell Phone:  505-270-4689

Email: pjc26@mac.com

Also, take a look at my posting on Warrior Resilience Training / Warrior Resilience & Thriving (WRT).

Guided Imagery & Mediation by Belleruth Naparstek

Guided Imagery

by Belleruth Naparstek

A lot of Troops are finding that Tai Chi, Breathing, De-Stressing CD’s and other topics on this website are workin’ to control their Beast…maybe even help get some sleep at night without those damn nightmares. So check this Guided Imagery topic out! You ain’t got nothin’ to lose but lettin’ your Beast run point for you in the land of endless Baby Wipes. There’s even a free, 15 minute download to see if it makes sense in your brain-housing-group!


If you would like to discuss any challenges you may be dealing with, please contact me. (sgtabrandiusmc@gmail.com)