Ft. Bliss, Sep. 2010

3 Responses to Ft. Bliss, Sep. 2010

  1. Frank Crawford says:

    Thank you.

    I am currently in a group at the Vet Center here in Springfield, IL where we were introduced to your book The Warrior’s Guide To Insanity. From the early pages of your work I became interested and have highlited and underlined almost every page with something that I connected with.

    Army Vet VN 69-70

    Again I thank You

  2. Julia Armstrong says:


    I have read your book A Warrior’s Guide To Insanity…thank you! Excellent read for a Military Spouse! It was passed to me by COL Wicker, Garrison Commander WSMR and then I contacted you in 2010 and you sent us several boxes of books for our returning troops from the 2nd EN BN. COL Wicker saw you speak at Fort Bliss and I am excited that you will be addressing the troops here at WSMR is the near future. On a personal note, I too would love to hear you speak. Perhaps if you do not wish to speak with troops and spouses in the same forum, you could speak with us either before or after the Soldiers? I believe we would truly benefit from real face time with you.

    I would also like to share the video of your visit to Fort Bliss with my colleagues. I work with Army Community Service and it is imperative that our staff understand their customers. Many of them have never served in the military. I do not have access to QuickTime on my Govt computer. Is is possible for you to send me a DVD?
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Very Respectfully,
    Julia Armstrong

    • Jock says:

      Julia, Please email me your mailing address and we will send you a copy of Sgt Brandi’s presentation at Ft Bliss. This presentation was to Civilian Employee during suicide prevention training and only a hand full of military attended. Please do not duplicate. This DVD is not suitable for kids under 16. Remember, the language is very rough.

      B/G George Franzen, USAF Retired
      (c/o: jsembry [at] opent.com)

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